Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Writing Workshop Mini Lessons

Our 3rd grade writers have been hard at work learning about how to generate ideas and revise and edit before we jump into writing specific genres. Here's some of the mini lessons we've completed...

Ways we've practiced generating topic ideas and details included using bubble maps and heart maps.

Learning how to form a paragraph containing a topic sentence, details, and a concluding sentence was a breeze using the "Stoplight Paragraph" method.

We learned good writers can stretch a sentence by answering the 5 w's...who, what, when, where, and why.

Editing and revising our writing will be easy-peasy when we use the C.U.P.S strategy.

Our class has also begun learning about our first parts of speech topic nouns, in many hands-on ways such as demonstrating our understanding of where the apostrophe goes in a singular and possessive noun using picture card prompts and Expo markers on the easel and and macaroni "apostrophes" and word cards.

Happy learning!

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