Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Springtime Scoop

Plants have been blooming outside our classroom window as we've been blooming inside learning new topics such as determining elapsed time, how to write a personal narrative, and reading about the transcontinental railroad and its affect on our nation. We've even created our own blooms, such as spring simile poems mounted on paper plate flowers for our hall bulletin board...

and "echo art flowers" to decorate our classroom clothesline...

Our class has completed our science plant unit. Students diagramed the parts of a seed and flower and created plant life cycle wheels showing stages of a flower's life...

Students learned how flowers and conifers get pollinated in a variety of ways. We even acted out how a bee pollinates flowers using a bee puppet, coffee filter, and "pollen" (paprika powder), then recorded what we observed...

We've now started our unit on animal lifecycles, which will include learning about insects, bees, amphibians, fish, and mammals. Our room has many areas reflecting our new topic including our science bulleting board...
and informational text book rack...

This unit connects to our upcoming trip to the Philadelphia Zoo, which the students are very excited about! 

In math, we've started our measurement unit. Students will be learning what units of standard and metric measurement to use to measure length, weight, and volume as well as how to use multiplication and division to do measurement conversions. Activities include creating measurement flip books and hearing the story "The Land of Gallon" to learn how many quarts, cups, and pints are in a gallon... 

Looking forward to a month of blooming academically and socially!

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