Monday, May 18, 2015

Marvelous May!

Summer vacation starts in a few weeks, but we've been as busy as ever in The Third Grade Learning Spot!

This month in math we've been learning about fractions. Activities included making fraction lap books, an equivalent fraction craft, playing fraction games on the Smartboard, and making fractions using M&M's, shown below...

In science, we've continues our study of animal adaptions and habitats. Learning activities included making animal adaption flip books...
 and playing a food chain game on the Smartboard...

Just click on food chain game to play it.
We then created our own paper food chains. I think the results are worth the box of staples I went through!

We also planted our butterfly garden and released our Painted Ladies to enjoy it...

 All the students did an awesome job on their animal research reports and dioramas...

Our social studies theme this month was "People Working Together in a Community". The class learned about marketing, including how people work together to make goods and provide services, producer/consumers, and importing/exporting. Students designed their own "Goods and Services Street" with businesses that provide goods on one side and businesses that provide services on the other...

In language arts we've been learning about adjectives and adverbs. Activities included making "rainbow name-bows" to describe ourselves using adjectives, filling adjective and adverb word bubbles with our own adjectives and adverbs, and creating sentences using an adjective that tells how many that the spinner landed on...

Hoping the rest of your May is a marvelous one!

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