Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Currently:1st Day of School

Ack! I'm late to Farley's  par-tay! But, the 1st day of the September was my last day to soak up summer vacation and work on lessons before the 1st day back to school! Better late than never, right?

Listening: Jimmy is interviewing Eva Longoria downstairs while I work on school stuff upstairs.

Loving: It was great meeting the new gang! And, seeing how much the old gang grew during the summer! I know that the 1st day or the 1st week or even the 1st month can be a "honeymoon" period, but my new class seems to be filled with a bunch of sweeties. I quickly assessed which students will be the "interesting" ones. But, that's what keeps life interesting, right?! Plus, we got through EVERYTHING I had planned with some time to spare. That rarely happens to me the 1st day back! Hearing some kids exclaim, "This is fun!" during some activities made me smile.  I'm also shocked I came home so upbeat and full of energy because after a somewhat mild summer in the 70's and low 80's we hit a staggering, humid high 96 today. Recess was hawt, people!

Thinking: I'm reflecting on how today's lessons went and what I have to pack in my teaching bag for tomorrow's and already planning next week's and some monthly and long-term goals and....you get the idea.

Wanting: A looooooong massage! The first day back is exhausting, friends!

Needing: I should be in bed because tomorrow's the 2nd day of school and from past experience I know that's exhausting, too.  However, I'm determined to post this before October rolls around!

3 Trips: This was a toughie because I love traveling. I've always wanted to visit Italy and experience its art, culture, and history. And say, "Delizioso!" after eating a yummy plate of pasta. I've also always wanted to travel to Hawaii and see its volcanos, beaches, and hula dancing at a luaa. The feeling is its strongest between January-March when it's gray and brrrrrr here. And now that I think of it, I would make those 3 trips stops on a cruise around the world : )

I'm too tuckered out to post pics of 1st day activities, but plan to ASAP.

Happy learning!


  1. Our Currentlys sound very similar. I am wiped out and need some sleep too. I am so glad your first day of school went so well. I hope you have a fabulous school year.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  2. I hope your second day goes just as well! My crew was super quiet today, which I know will not last! :) (Good thing, too...I don't like doing all the talking).

  3. 1. I adore your layout. :)
    2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I haven't been very good about posting until just recently, but it's been sooo good to be back and writing again.
    3. Your currently is identical to mine. ;) Well almost. I am obsessed right now with lesson planning, but who isn't at the beginning of the school year. As for your trips I don't know why I didn't just choose Hawaii?! Hello beautiful beaches and the smell of coconuts?!

    Miss Wilson
